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Functional Fitness Workouts for People with Disabilities
0 minutes 45, seconds readPhysical activity is essential for everyone's health, yet only a small fraction of adults with severe mobility issues engage in aerobic exercise. Here are some tips to help people with disabilities stay active and healthy.
The Crucial Role of Laboratory Testing in Early Detection and Treatment
1 minute 14, seconds readMedical laboratory testing is an essential part of early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases in patients. Learn more about the importance of laboratory testing.
What Does a True Vegan Not Eat?
1 minute 33, seconds readLearn what foods vegans avoid in order to live a vegan lifestyle. Understand what is and isn't allowed in a vegan diet and how it can help reduce environmental impact.
What happens when a vegan eats eggs?
0 minutes 26, seconds readVegans do not permanently lose the ability to digest meat, dairy products or eggs. However, temporary digestive problems can occur when these foods are reintroduced because intestinal bacteria and digestive enzymes have moved away from them.