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How do fitness tracking devices work?
1 minute 19, seconds readA portable tracker continuously detects body movements on a 3-axis accelerometer. The data is recorded every time it is worn and turned on, allowing the tracker to track if the person is walking forward, running fast or even staying still.
Is 2 hours of exercise a day too much?
1 minute 58, seconds readExercise bulimia is a serious medical problem in which people exercise extreme exercise instead of vomiting to purge excess food. Exercise is important for health, but exercising 2 hours a day can be too much.
What supplements do i need for fitness?
5 minutes 42, seconds readBeta-alanine is an amino acid that is produced in the liver and is also found in fish, poultry and meat. The study listed protein powders, sports bars and creatine, among others.
What is the point of a fitness watch?
1 minute 30, seconds readA fitness tracker allows you to monitor and record your heart rate, daily calories burned, and step count. Automatic tracking allows you to eat a healthier diet, exercise more and sleep better.